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Observation to record details of a trawl or shot.

The trawlObservation schema inherits from fisheriesTripObservationType.


Name Description Required Type
ShotNumber The number of this shot or trawl on the trip. No Number
Duration The length of time of the trawl or shot in the units specified. No Number
DurationUnits The units in which the duration is measured. UN/CEFACT units SHOULD be used where these are applicable. No string
Distance The distance and its units of the trawl. No lengthMeasureType
AverageSpeed The average speed and its units of the trawl. No velocityMeasureType
CatchRate The catch rate during the trawl. No Number
CatchRateUnits The units in which the catch rate is expressed. No string
FishingMethod The fishing method employed in the trawl. No string
TargetSpecies The primary species being targetted. No string
Area The code or name of the area being trawled. No string
MeshSize The mesh size of the nets. No Number
BucketCount The number of buckets of catch in the trawl or shot. No Number
BucketWeight The total weight and units of the buckets of catch in the trawl or shot. No massMeasureType
Catch The quantity of the species and optionally of the grade caught in the trawl. No Array of  speciesQuantityType
Bycatch The quantity of the bycatch species and optionally of the grade caught in the trawl. No Array of  speciesQuantityType
Wildlife Details of the wildlife encountered during the trawl. No wildlifeInteractionType
Comments Comments on the trawl or shot. No string
BlocksFished Array of the blocks fished in this trawl or shot. No Array of  string
SummaryGeometry The geojson MultiPoint feature (with its geometry) that identifies the start point, end point and optionally the mid point of the trawl or shot. No geoJsonFeature
LoggedGeometry The geojsonfeature (with its geometry) that covers the logged track of the trawl in detail. No geoJsonFeature
Trip Identifies the trip on which the observations were made. Yes fisheriesTripType
ObservationDate UTC Date (required) and time (optional) the observation was taken Yes date-time
PhenomenonStartTime ISO UTC DateTime. The start time of the phenomenon being observed. No date-time
PhenomenonEndTime ISO UTC DateTime. The end time of the phenomenon being observed. No date-time
Responsible Identifier of the person responsible for the observation No string
Remark Notes or remarks field No string
Id Unique identifier (UUID) used within the current server to identify the resource. Yes string
Identifiers Identifiers for the resource (see well-known/schemes... for example identity schemes). No Array of  identifierType
Links Linked resources that are related to the current resource. No Array of  relationType
Meta Meta-data for the resource. Mandatory if you wish to support synchronisation. Yes metaDataType
Name A user-readable name for the resource. No string
Self Uniform resource identifier (URI) of the resource (rel=self). No string


Example 1

  "resourceType": "trawlObservation",
  "id": "2a10aefe-23f2-4f76-ae6e-a348c4eeee37",
  "meta": {
    "sourceId": {
      "scheme": "",
      "id": "8a2ba43c-7201-4ca4-83e8-5355ee1f926f"
    "modified": "2023-10-31T15:20:00Z"
  "name": "Blue Doris trawl 3, 31/10/23 start 12:38, Trip S999123456A",
  "observationDate": "2023-10-31T13:10:00Z",
  "phenomenonStartTime": "2023-10-31T12:38:09Z",
  "phenomenonEndTime": "2023-10-31T13:09:43Z",
  "responsible": "Fabio Capello",
  "trip": {
    "tripId": {
      "scheme": "com.deckhand.trip",
      "id": "S999231004A"
    "vesselName": "Blue Doris",
    "vesselIdentifier": {
      "scheme": "com.deckhand.vessel",
      "id": "V88810000A"
    "startDateTime": "2023-10-31T11:49:28Z",
    "fishery": "ABC123"
  "shotNumber": 1,
  "duration": 30.6,
  "durationUnits": "MIN",
  "distance": {
    "measurement": 4812,
    "units": "MTR"
  "averageSpeed": {
    "measurement": 5.1,
    "units": "KNT"
  "targetSpecies": "Bony Bream",
  "catch": [
      "species": "Bony Bream",
      "weight": {
        "measurement": 950,
        "units": "KGM"
  "bycatch": [
      "species": "Gummy shark",
      "weight": {
        "measurement": 75,
        "units": "KGM"
  "catchRate": 1.9,
  "catchRateUnits": "tonnes/hr",
  "fishingMethod": "Dab net",
  "area": "04",
  "comments": "Poor fishing today",
  "blocksFished": [
  "wildlife": {
    "observer": "Nat Brown",
    "speciesObserved": [
        "species": "Long-nosed Fur Seal",
        "count": 2
  "summaryGeometry": {
    "geometry": {
      "coordinates": [