FisheriesTripType captures the core features of a fishing trip.
Name | Description | Required | Type |
TripId | Unique identifier of the trip specified as a scheme and id. | Yes | identifierType |
Skipper | Name of the skipper of the vessel for the trip. | No | string |
VesselName | The name of the vessel performing the trip. | No | string |
VesselIdentifier | Unique identifier of the vessel specified as a scheme and id. | Yes | identifierType |
Licences | The licence number(s) applicable to the trip. | No | Array of string |
StartDateTime | The date and time of the start of the trip recorded in UTC format. | Yes | date-time |
EndDateTime | The date and time of the end of the trip recorded in UTC format. | No | date-time |
Fishery | The fishery in which the trip takes place. | No | string |
ManDays | The number of man days employed in the trip. | No | Number |
EffortActive | The number of units of active effort. | No | Number |
EffortNets | The number of units of nets effort. | No | Number |
EnvironmentalObservations | Array of environmental observations recorded on the trip. May be an aggregation such as Mean or Maximum. | No | Array of environmentalObservationType |
Example 1
"tripId": {
"scheme": "com.deckhand.trip",
"id": "S999231004A"
"skipper": "Jack Smith",
"vesselName": "Blue Doris",
"vesselIdentifier": {
"scheme": "com.deckhand.vessel",
"id": "V88810000A"
"licences": [
"startDateTime": "2023-10-03T13:49:28Z",
"endDateTime": "2023-10-03T14:20:28Z",
"fishery": "ABC123",
"manDays": 1.0,
"effortActive": 3.0,
"effortNets": 2.0,
"environmentalObservations": [
"metric": {
"scheme": "com.metdata.metric",
"id": "WaterTemperature"
"value": 23.3,
"units": "CEL"