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FisheriesTripType captures the core features of a fishing trip.


Name Description Required Type
TripId Unique identifier of the trip specified as a scheme and id. Yes identifierType
Skipper Name of the skipper of the vessel for the trip. No string
VesselName The name of the vessel performing the trip. No string
VesselIdentifier Unique identifier of the vessel specified as a scheme and id. Yes identifierType
Licences The licence number(s) applicable to the trip. No Array of  string
StartDateTime The date and time of the start of the trip recorded in UTC format. Yes date-time
EndDateTime The date and time of the end of the trip recorded in UTC format. No date-time
Fishery The fishery in which the trip takes place. No string
ManDays The number of man days employed in the trip. No Number
EffortActive The number of units of active effort. No Number
EffortNets The number of units of nets effort. No Number
EnvironmentalObservations Array of environmental observations recorded on the trip. May be an aggregation such as Mean or Maximum. No Array of  environmentalObservationType


Example 1

  "tripId": {
    "scheme": "com.deckhand.trip",
    "id": "S999231004A"
  "skipper": "Jack Smith",
  "vesselName": "Blue Doris",
  "vesselIdentifier": {
    "scheme": "com.deckhand.vessel",
    "id": "V88810000A"
  "licences": [
  "startDateTime": "2023-10-03T13:49:28Z",
  "endDateTime": "2023-10-03T14:20:28Z",
  "fishery": "ABC123",
  "manDays": 1.0,
  "effortActive": 3.0,
  "effortNets": 2.0,
  "environmentalObservations": [
      "metric": {
        "scheme": "com.metdata.metric",
        "id": "WaterTemperature"
      "value": 23.3,
      "units": "CEL"