Event for recording animal death
The icarMovementDeathEventResource schema inherits from icarAnimalEventCoreResource.
Name | Description | Required | Type |
DeathReason | Coded reasons for death including disease, parturition complications, consumption by humans or animals. | No | icarDeathReasonType |
Explanation | Free text explanation of the reason for death. | No | string |
DisposalMethod | Coded disposal methods including approved service, consumption by humans or animals, etc. | No | icarDeathDisposalMethodType |
DisposalOperator | Disposal operator official name (should really be schema.org/organization). | No | string |
DisposalReference | Reference (receipt, docket, or ID) for disposal. | No | string |
Consignment | No | icarConsignmentType | |
DeathMethod | Defines the method of death, including an accident, natural causes, or euthanised. | No | icarDeathMethodType |
Animal | Unique animal scheme and identifier combination. | Yes | icarIdentifierType |
Id | Unique identifier in the source system for this event. | No | string |
EventDateTime | RFC3339 UTC date and time (see https://ijmacd.github.io/rfc3339-iso8601/). | No | date-time |
TraitLabel | If the event represents a formal trait, identifies the recording system and trait. | No | icarIdentifierType |
Responsible | Use if an observation is manually recorded, or an event is carried out or authorised by a person. SHOULD be a person object. | No | string |
ContemporaryGroup | For manually recorded events, record any contemporary group code that would affect statistical analysis. | No | string |
Remark | A comment or remark field for additional user-specified information about the event. | No | string |
Self | Uniform resource identifier (URI) of the resource (rel=self). | No | string |
Meta | Meta-data for the resource. Mandatory if you wish to support synchronisation. | No | icarMetaDataType |
Location | Unique location scheme and identifier combination. | No | icarIdentifierType |
Example 1
"deathReason": "Missing",
"explanation": "explanation",
"disposalMethod": "ApprovedService",
"disposalOperator": "disposalOperator",
"disposalReference": "disposalReference",
"consignment": {
"id": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"originLocation": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"originAddress": "originAddress",
"originPostalAddress": {
"addressCountry": "addressCountry",
"addressLocality": "addressLocality",
"addressRegion": "addressRegion",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": "postOfficeBoxNumber",
"postalCode": "postalCode",
"streetAddress": "streetAddress"
"originOrganization": {
"establishmentIdentifiers": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"address": {
"addressCountry": "addressCountry",
"addressLocality": "addressLocality",
"addressRegion": "addressRegion",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": "postOfficeBoxNumber",
"postalCode": "postalCode",
"streetAddress": "streetAddress"
"parentOrganization": {
"name": "name",
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"globalLocationNumber": "globalLocationNumber",
"uri": "uri"
"membershipIdentifiers": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"name": "name",
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"globalLocationNumber": "globalLocationNumber",
"uri": "uri"
"destinationLocation": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"destinationAddress": "destinationAddress",
"destinationPostalAddress": {
"addressCountry": "addressCountry",
"addressLocality": "addressLocality",
"addressRegion": "addressRegion",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": "postOfficeBoxNumber",
"postalCode": "postalCode",
"streetAddress": "streetAddress"
"destinationOrganization": {
"establishmentIdentifiers": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"address": {
"addressCountry": "addressCountry",
"addressLocality": "addressLocality",
"addressRegion": "addressRegion",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": "postOfficeBoxNumber",
"postalCode": "postalCode",
"streetAddress": "streetAddress"
"parentOrganization": {
"name": "name",
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"globalLocationNumber": "globalLocationNumber",
"uri": "uri"
"membershipIdentifiers": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"name": "name",
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"globalLocationNumber": "globalLocationNumber",
"uri": "uri"
"loadingDateTime": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4350530+00:00",
"unloadingDateTime": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4350541+00:00",
"expectedDuration": 0.0,
"transportOperator": "transportOperator",
"vehicle": "vehicle",
"transportReference": "transportReference",
"isolationFacilityUsed": false,
"farmAssuranceReference": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"countConsigned": 0,
"countReceived": 0,
"hoursOffFeed": 0,
"hoursOffWater": 0,
"references": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"interestedParties": [
"interests": [
"establishmentIdentifiers": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"address": {
"addressCountry": "addressCountry",
"addressLocality": "addressLocality",
"addressRegion": "addressRegion",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": "postOfficeBoxNumber",
"postalCode": "postalCode",
"streetAddress": "streetAddress"
"parentOrganization": {
"name": "name",
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"globalLocationNumber": "globalLocationNumber",
"uri": "uri"
"membershipIdentifiers": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"declarations": [
"declarationId": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"declaredValue": "declaredValue"
"deathMethod": "Perished",
"animal": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"