Consignment information for a movement (arrival, departure).
Name | Description | Required | Type |
Id | Official identifier for the movement. | No | icarIdentifierType |
OriginLocation | No | icarIdentifierType | |
OriginAddress | Origin address for movement. | No | string |
OriginPostalAddress | A structured, schema.org-style address for the origin location. | No | postalAddress |
OriginOrganization | The organisational details of the origin, including any necessary identifiers. | No | icarOrganizationType |
DestinationLocation | No | icarIdentifierType | |
DestinationAddress | Destination address for movement. | No | string |
DestinationPostalAddress | A structured, schema.org-style address for the destination location. | No | postalAddress |
DestinationOrganization | The organisational details of the destination, including any necessary identifiers. | No | icarOrganizationType |
LoadingDateTime | RFC3339 UTC date and time animals were loaded for transport (see https://ijmacd.github.io/rfc3339-iso8601/ for format guidance). | No | date-time |
UnloadingDateTime | RFC3339 UTC date and time animals were unloaded after transport (see https://ijmacd.github.io/rfc3339-iso8601/ for format guidance). | No | date-time |
ExpectedDuration | Expected duration of transportation in hours. | No | Number |
TransportOperator | Transport operator official name (should really be schema.org/organization). | No | string |
Vehicle | Identification of the vehicle (for example, licence plate). | No | string |
TransportReference | Shipping or transporter reference. | No | string |
IsolationFacilityUsed | True if an isolation facility was used for the movement. | No | boolean |
FarmAssuranceReference | Identification reference of a farm assurance operation. | No | icarIdentifierType |
CountConsigned | The number of animals despatched or consigned from the origin. | No | Integer |
CountReceived | The number of animals received at the destination. | No | Integer |
HoursOffFeed | The number of hours since animals in the consignment had access to feed. | No | Integer |
HoursOffWater | The number of hours since animals in the consignment had access to water. | No | Integer |
References | References associated with the consignment. These may be additional to the single transport reference (for instance, to support multi-mode transport). | No | Array of icarIdentifierType |
InterestedParties | Identifies the parties and their interests in the consignment. | No | Array of icarInterestedPartyType |
Declarations | Country, species or scheme -specific declarations for the consignment. | No | Array of icarConsignmentDeclarationType |
Example 1
"id": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"originLocation": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"originAddress": "originAddress",
"originPostalAddress": {
"addressCountry": "addressCountry",
"addressLocality": "addressLocality",
"addressRegion": "addressRegion",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": "postOfficeBoxNumber",
"postalCode": "postalCode",
"streetAddress": "streetAddress"
"originOrganization": {
"establishmentIdentifiers": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"address": {
"addressCountry": "addressCountry",
"addressLocality": "addressLocality",
"addressRegion": "addressRegion",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": "postOfficeBoxNumber",
"postalCode": "postalCode",
"streetAddress": "streetAddress"
"parentOrganization": {
"name": "name",
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"globalLocationNumber": "globalLocationNumber",
"uri": "uri"
"membershipIdentifiers": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"name": "name",
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"globalLocationNumber": "globalLocationNumber",
"uri": "uri"
"destinationLocation": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"destinationAddress": "destinationAddress",
"destinationPostalAddress": {
"addressCountry": "addressCountry",
"addressLocality": "addressLocality",
"addressRegion": "addressRegion",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": "postOfficeBoxNumber",
"postalCode": "postalCode",
"streetAddress": "streetAddress"
"destinationOrganization": {
"establishmentIdentifiers": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"address": {
"addressCountry": "addressCountry",
"addressLocality": "addressLocality",
"addressRegion": "addressRegion",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": "postOfficeBoxNumber",
"postalCode": "postalCode",
"streetAddress": "streetAddress"
"parentOrganization": {
"name": "name",
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"globalLocationNumber": "globalLocationNumber",
"uri": "uri"
"membershipIdentifiers": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"name": "name",
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"globalLocationNumber": "globalLocationNumber",
"uri": "uri"
"loadingDateTime": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4409301+00:00",
"unloadingDateTime": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4409320+00:00",
"expectedDuration": 0.0,
"transportOperator": "transportOperator",
"vehicle": "vehicle",
"transportReference": "transportReference",
"isolationFacilityUsed": false,
"farmAssuranceReference": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"countConsigned": 0,
"countReceived": 0,
"hoursOffFeed": 0,
"hoursOffWater": 0,
"references": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"interestedParties": [
"interests": [
"establishmentIdentifiers": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"address": {
"addressCountry": "addressCountry",
"addressLocality": "addressLocality",
"addressRegion": "addressRegion",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": "postOfficeBoxNumber",
"postalCode": "postalCode",
"streetAddress": "streetAddress"
"parentOrganization": {
"name": "name",
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"globalLocationNumber": "globalLocationNumber",
"uri": "uri"
"membershipIdentifiers": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"declarations": [
"declarationId": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"declaredValue": "declaredValue"