Table of Contents



Event for recording group or mob feeding.

The icarGroupFeedingEventResource schema inherits from icarGroupEventCoreResource.


Name Description Required Type
FeedingStartingDateTime The RFC3339 UTC moment the feeding started. (Note that eventDateTime represents the end of feeding.) Yes date-time
FeedVisitDuration The length of time of the feeding. Yes icarFeedDurationType
FeedPerAnimal No Array of  icarConsumedFeedType
RationPerAnimal No Array of  icarConsumedRationType
Device Optional information about a device used for the feeding, if relevant. No icarDeviceReferenceType
GroupMethod Indicates whether the event references an existing animal set, has an embedded animal set, or an inventory classification. Yes icarGroupEventMethodType
CountObserved Summarises the number of animals observed in the event. Generally the number of animals in the group, but sometimes a sample. No Integer
InventoryClassification Describe the group of animals by their characteristics rather than animal identifiers. No icarInventoryClassificationType
EmbeddedAnimalSet Specifies the set of animals as a list of member animal identifiers. No icarAnimalSetResource
AnimalSetReference Reference an existing animal set by ID and optionally URI No icarResourceReferenceType
Id Unique identifier in the source system for this event. No string
EventDateTime RFC3339 UTC date and time (see No date-time
TraitLabel If the event represents a formal trait, identifies the recording system and trait. No icarIdentifierType
Responsible Use if an observation is manually recorded, or an event is carried out or authorised by a person. SHOULD be a person object. No string
ContemporaryGroup For manually recorded events, record any contemporary group code that would affect statistical analysis. No string
Remark A comment or remark field for additional user-specified information about the event. No string
Self Uniform resource identifier (URI) of the resource (rel=self). No string
Meta Meta-data for the resource. Mandatory if you wish to support synchronisation. No icarMetaDataType
Location Unique location scheme and identifier combination. No icarIdentifierType


Example 1

  "feedingStartingDateTime": "2024-09-22T22:56:34.0143426+00:00",
  "feedVisitDuration": {
    "unitCode": "SEC",
    "value": 0.0
  "feedPerAnimal": [
      "feedId": {
        "id": "id",
        "scheme": "scheme"
      "entitlement": {
        "unitCode": "KGM",
        "value": 0.0
      "feedConsumption": {
        "unitCode": "KGM",
        "value": 0.0
  "rationPerAnimal": [
      "rationId": "rationId",
      "entitlement": {
        "unitCode": "KGM",
        "value": 0.0
      "feedConsumption": {
        "unitCode": "KGM",
        "value": 0.0
  "device": {
    "model": "model",
    "serial": "serial",
    "@context": "@context",
    "@id": "@id",
    "@type": "Link",
    "identifier": {
      "id": "id",
      "scheme": "scheme"
    "reltype": "reltype",
    "href": "href"
  "groupMethod": "ExistingAnimalSet",
  "countObserved": 0,
  "inventoryClassification": {
    "name": "name",
    "count": 0.0,
    "species": "Buffalo",
    "sex": "Female",
    "primaryBreed": {
      "id": "id",
      "scheme": "scheme"
    "birthPeriod": "birthPeriod",
    "reproductiveStatus": "Open",
    "lactationStatus": "Dry",
    "productionPurposes": [
  "embeddedAnimalSet": {
    "id": "id",
    "name": "name",
    "purpose": "Enclosure",
    "member": [
        "id": "id",
        "scheme": "scheme"
    "resourceType": "resourceType",
    "@self": "@self",
    "meta": {
      "source": "source",
      "sourceId": "sourceId",
      "isDeleted": false,
      "modified": "2024-09-22T22:56:34.0144352+00:00",
      "created": "2024-09-22T22:56:34.0144367+00:00",
      "creator": "creator",
      "validFrom": "2024-09-22T22:56:34.0144399+00:00",
      "validTo": "2024-09-22T22:56:34.0144411+00:00"
    "location": {
      "id": "id",
      "scheme": "scheme"
  "animalSetReference": {
    "@context": "@context",
    "@id": "@id",
    "@type": "Link",
    "identifier": {
      "id": "id",
      "scheme": "scheme"
    "reltype": "reltype",
    "href": "href"