Event for recording group or mob feeding.
The icarGroupFeedingEventResource schema inherits from icarGroupEventCoreResource.
Name | Description | Required | Type |
FeedingStartingDateTime | The RFC3339 UTC moment the feeding started. (Note that eventDateTime represents the end of feeding.) | Yes | date-time |
FeedVisitDuration | The length of time of the feeding. | Yes | icarFeedDurationType |
FeedPerAnimal | No | Array of icarConsumedFeedType | |
RationPerAnimal | No | Array of icarConsumedRationType | |
Device | Optional information about a device used for the feeding, if relevant. | No | icarDeviceReferenceType |
GroupMethod | Indicates whether the event references an existing animal set, has an embedded animal set, or an inventory classification. | Yes | icarGroupEventMethodType |
CountObserved | Summarises the number of animals observed in the event. Generally the number of animals in the group, but sometimes a sample. | No | Integer |
InventoryClassification | Describe the group of animals by their characteristics rather than animal identifiers. | No | icarInventoryClassificationType |
EmbeddedAnimalSet | Specifies the set of animals as a list of member animal identifiers. | No | icarAnimalSetResource |
AnimalSetReference | Reference an existing animal set by ID and optionally URI | No | icarResourceReferenceType |
Id | Unique identifier in the source system for this event. | No | string |
EventDateTime | RFC3339 UTC date and time (see https://ijmacd.github.io/rfc3339-iso8601/). | No | date-time |
TraitLabel | If the event represents a formal trait, identifies the recording system and trait. | No | icarIdentifierType |
Responsible | Use if an observation is manually recorded, or an event is carried out or authorised by a person. SHOULD be a person object. | No | string |
ContemporaryGroup | For manually recorded events, record any contemporary group code that would affect statistical analysis. | No | string |
Remark | A comment or remark field for additional user-specified information about the event. | No | string |
Self | Uniform resource identifier (URI) of the resource (rel=self). | No | string |
Meta | Meta-data for the resource. Mandatory if you wish to support synchronisation. | No | icarMetaDataType |
Location | Unique location scheme and identifier combination. | No | icarIdentifierType |
Example 1
"feedingStartingDateTime": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4051394+00:00",
"feedVisitDuration": {
"unitCode": "SEC",
"value": 0.0
"feedPerAnimal": [
"feedId": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"entitlement": {
"unitCode": "KGM",
"value": 0.0
"feedConsumption": {
"unitCode": "KGM",
"value": 0.0
"rationPerAnimal": [
"rationId": "rationId",
"entitlement": {
"unitCode": "KGM",
"value": 0.0
"feedConsumption": {
"unitCode": "KGM",
"value": 0.0
"device": {
"model": "model",
"serial": "serial",
"@context": "@context",
"@id": "@id",
"@type": "Link",
"identifier": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"reltype": "reltype",
"href": "href"
"groupMethod": "ExistingAnimalSet",
"countObserved": 0,
"inventoryClassification": {
"name": "name",
"count": 0.0,
"species": "Buffalo",
"sex": "Female",
"primaryBreed": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"birthPeriod": "birthPeriod",
"reproductiveStatus": "Open",
"lactationStatus": "Dry",
"productionPurposes": [
"embeddedAnimalSet": {
"id": "id",
"name": "name",
"purpose": "Enclosure",
"member": [
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"resourceType": "resourceType",
"@self": "@self",
"meta": {
"source": "source",
"sourceId": "sourceId",
"isDeleted": false,
"modified": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4052272+00:00",
"created": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4052286+00:00",
"creator": "creator",
"validFrom": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4052321+00:00",
"validTo": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4052334+00:00"
"location": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"animalSetReference": {
"@context": "@context",
"@id": "@id",
"@type": "Link",
"identifier": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"reltype": "reltype",
"href": "href"