Table of Contents



This type is used to categorise animals by shared characteristics - so you can say the equivalent of 200 x 2-year-old in-calf Jersey heifers.


Name Description Required Type
Name Human-readable name for this inventory grouping. Yes string
Count The count or number of animals in this inventory classification. No Number
Species The species of animals. Yes icarAnimalSpecieType
Sex The sex of animals. No icarAnimalGenderType
PrimaryBreed Primary breed defined using an identifier and scheme. No icarIdentifierType
BirthPeriod The range of birth dates. Use YYYY (all one year), YYYY-MM (one month), or two RFC3339 date-times separated by / to represent a range. No string
ReproductiveStatus The reproductive/pregnancy status of animals. No icarAnimalReproductionStatusType
LactationStatus The lactation status of animals. No icarAnimalLactationStatusType
ProductionPurposes Array of production purposes. No Array of  icarProductionPurposeType


Example 1

  "name": "name",
  "count": 0.0,
  "species": "Buffalo",
  "sex": "Female",
  "primaryBreed": {
    "id": "id",
    "scheme": "scheme"
  "birthPeriod": "birthPeriod",
  "reproductiveStatus": "Open",
  "lactationStatus": "Dry",
  "productionPurposes": [