Table of Contents



Class that represents a mix of products or single product.


Name Description Required Type
MixSequence The order of this product in the mix No Number
Percent The proportion that this product composes of the mix. Can be calculated from Wt/Vol or other measures. No Number
Product Defines a product that is a component of the mix. No productResource
Quantity The quantity of this product which is included in the mix. You should additionally calculate percent if feasible. No massOrVolumeMeasurementType


Example 1

  "mixSequence": 2,
  "percent": 80,
  "product": {
    "manufacturer": "Fertco Limited",
    "brand": "Ammonium X + Se",
    "form": "Granules",
    "uri": "",
    "matterState": "Solid",
    "activeIngredients": [
        "name": "Urea"
        "name": "Ammonium sulphate"
    "analysis": [
        "name": "N",
        "percent": 30.248
        "name": "S",
        "percent": 13.731
    "crop": {
      "name": "Pasture",
      "variety": "Ryegrass White Clover",
      "establishmentDate": "2020-05-01T00:00:00Z"
  "quantity": {
    "measurement": 1.3,
    "units": "TNE"