Table of Contents



This schema represents a product type - a plant variety, agrochemical, fertiliser, effluent, or harvested product.

The productResource schema inherits from relationType.


Name Description Required Type
Identifiers Identifiers for the resource (see well-known/schemes... for example identity schemes). No Array of  identifierType
Name A user-readable name for the resource. No string
Type The type of product. No productTypeType
Manufacturer Manufacturer of the product. No string
Brand Brand of the product. No string
Form Physical form of the product. No productPhysicalFormType
Uri URL to the product. No uri-reference
Crop Crop on which the product is applied. No cropType
SpecificGravity Relative density. The ratio of the density (mass of a unit volume) of a substance to the density of a given reference material. For liquids this is typically water at 4 degrees celcius No Number
BulkDensity Bulk Density is a specific measurement of the mass of an item for a known volume (e.g., KGM/MTQ or GRM/LTR). No massPerVolumeMeasurementType
MatterState Matter state of the product, i.e. solid, liquid, gas or unknown. No matterStateType
Analysis Array with analysis percentages of factors in the product No Array of  productAnalysisType
ActiveIngredients Array of active ingredients in the product No Array of  productIngredientType
Withdrawals The withdrawal period of the product No Array of  withdrawalPeriodType
Claims Array of claims for the product, each specified as a scheme and id No Array of  registrationType
Registrations Array of registrations for the product, each specified as a scheme and id No Array of  registrationType
Relationship How the referenced resource relates to the current resource (see well-known/known-RelationType for examples). No string
ContentType The type of the referenced entity (see well-known/ResourceType). No string
Related A URL that may be used to retrieve the related resource. No uri-reference


Example 1

  "relationship": "Product Safety Information",
  "contentType": "MSDS",
  "related": "",
  "identifiers": [
      "scheme": "com.fertco.product",
      "id": "7932"
  "name": "Maximix 500",
  "manufacturer": "Fertco Agri Nutrients Pty",
  "brand": "Maximix",
  "form": "Granules",
  "uri": "",
  "crop": {
    "name": "Maize silage",
    "taxonomicName": "Zea mays",
    "variety": "XYZ 381",
    "identifiers": [
        "scheme": "",
        "id": "XYZ381"
    "establishmentDate": "2020-10-15T00:00:00Z",
    "harvestDate": "2021-04-01T00:00:00Z"
  "specificGravity": 1.77,
  "bulkDensity": 875,
  "matterState": "Solid",
  "analysis": [
      "id": {
        "scheme": "com.testinglab.test",
        "id": "WP"
      "name": "Water Soluble Phosphorus",
      "percent": 26
      "id": {
        "scheme": "com.testinglab.test",
        "id": "S"
      "name": "Sulphur",
      "percent": 21
      "id": {
        "scheme": "com.testinglab.test",
        "id": "Ca"
      "name": "Calcium",
      "percent": 43
  "activeIngredients": [
      "id": {
        "scheme": "com.fertco.product",
        "id": "7810"
      "name": "Calcium phosphate"
      "id": {
        "scheme": "com.fertco.product",
        "id": "4375"
      "name": "Calcium sulphate"
  "withdrawals": [
      "scheme": "govt.quality.withdrawal",
      "hours": 72
  "registrations": [
      "scheme": "govt.quality.productregistration",
      "id": "93091"