Table of Contents

Control Endpoint

The Streaming API Control endpoint is used to determine which Pure Farming holdings you can push data for using the push endpoint

GET /data/streaming/control


    "holdingId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "connectedAt": "2022-12-16T02:02:54.632Z",
    "signature": "9b96a1fe1d548cbbc960cc6a0286668fd74a763667b06366fb2324269fcabaa4",
    "identifiers": [...],
    "resourceTypes": [...],
    "connectorIdentifiers": [...]
Response Item Description Data Type
Holding ID The Pure Farming ID of the holding you can push data for UUID
Connected At The date and time this permission was granted Datetime
Signature A SHA256 has representing the permissions for this holding SHA256 string
Identifiers An array of identifiers for this holding Array of Identifier
Resource Types An array of the resource types you are permitted to supply data for, for this holding Array of Streaming Resource Type
Connector Identifiers An array of identifiers relating to this specific data connection Array of Identifier

Streaming Resource Type

Represents a resource type (within the Streaming API). In the context of the control endpoint this is used to state which resource types you have permission to provide data for.

  "id": "/core/holding",
  "href": "",
  "changes": "",
  "updates": "",
  "description": "A holding in Pure Farming"
Response Item Description Data Type
ID The identifier of the Pure Farming resource type string
HREF The link to the dataset metadata URI
Changes The link to get the latest changes to the resources URI
Updates The link to publish updates for a resource URI
Description A description of the resource type string