Control Endpoint
The Streaming API Control endpoint is used to determine which Pure Farming holdings you can push data for using the push endpoint
GET /data/streaming/control
"holdingId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"connectedAt": "2022-12-16T02:02:54.632Z",
"signature": "9b96a1fe1d548cbbc960cc6a0286668fd74a763667b06366fb2324269fcabaa4",
"identifiers": [...],
"resourceTypes": [...],
"connectorIdentifiers": [...]
Response Item | Description | Data Type |
Holding ID | The Pure Farming ID of the holding you can push data for | UUID |
Connected At | The date and time this permission was granted | Datetime |
Signature | A SHA256 has representing the permissions for this holding | SHA256 string |
Identifiers | An array of identifiers for this holding | Array of Identifier |
Resource Types | An array of the resource types you are permitted to supply data for, for this holding | Array of Streaming Resource Type |
Connector Identifiers | An array of identifiers relating to this specific data connection | Array of Identifier |
Streaming Resource Type
Represents a resource type (within the Streaming API). In the context of the control endpoint this is used to state which resource types you have permission to provide data for.
"id": "/core/holding",
"href": "",
"changes": "",
"updates": "",
"description": "A holding in Pure Farming"
Response Item | Description | Data Type |
ID | The identifier of the Pure Farming resource type | string |
HREF | The link to the dataset metadata | URI |
Changes | The link to get the latest changes to the resources | URI |
Updates | The link to publish updates for a resource | URI |
Description | A description of the resource type | string |