Abstract class that represents a work item - an activity that is planned, scheduled, or carried out.
The pfWorkItemType schema inherits from observationType.
Name | Description | Required | Type |
Operation | Constant value in any concrete class for the operation type | Yes | string |
Status | Yes | workItemStatusType | |
Priority | No | workItemPriorityType | |
ObservationDate | UTC Date (required) and time (optional) the sample was taken | Yes | date-time |
PhenomenonStartTime | ISO UTC DateTime | No | date-time |
PhenomenonEndTime | ISO UTC DateTime | No | date-time |
Holding | Reference to the holding on which this observation was performed. | No | featureReferenceType |
Feature | Reference to the feature to which this observation applies. Alternative to features[]. | No | featureReferenceType |
Features | Array of features to which this observation applies. Alternative to feature. | No | Array of featureReferenceType |
Responsible | Identifier of the person responsible for the observation | No | string |
Remark | Notes or remarks field | No | string |
Id | Unique identifier (UUID) used within the current server to identify the resource. | Yes | string |
Identifiers | Identifiers for the resource (see well-known/schemes... for example identity schemes). | No | Array of identifierType |
Links | Linked resources that are related to the current resource. | No | Array of relationType |
Meta | Meta-data for the resource. Mandatory if you wish to support synchronisation. | Yes | metaDataType |
Name | A user-readable name for the resource. | No | string |
Self | Uniform resource identifier (URI) of the resource (rel=self). | No | string |
Example 1
"operation": "operation",
"status": "Cancelled",
"priority": "Immediately",
"observationDate": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4969297+00:00",
"phenomenonStartTime": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4969308+00:00",
"phenomenonEndTime": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4969317+00:00",
"holding": {
"identifier": {
"scheme": "scheme",
"id": "id"
"name": "name",
"uri": "uri",
"relationship": "relationship",
"contentType": "contentType",
"related": "related"
"feature": {
"identifier": {
"scheme": "scheme",
"id": "id"
"name": "name",
"uri": "uri",
"relationship": "relationship",
"contentType": "contentType",
"related": "related"
"features": [
"identifier": {
"scheme": "scheme",
"id": "id"
"name": "name",
"uri": "uri",
"relationship": "relationship",
"contentType": "contentType",
"related": "related"
"responsible": "responsible",
"remark": "remark"