The pfLoadResourceType schema inherits from resourceType.
Name | Description | Required | Type |
Source | Source endpoint of the load | No | pfConsignmentEndPointType |
Destination | Destination endpoint of the load | No | pfConsignmentEndPointType |
LogisticUnit | No | pfLogisticsUnit | |
Quantity | Quantity in the load | No | Number |
Units | Units for the quantity metric | No | string |
RawQuantity | Raw quantity before standardisation | No | Number |
RawUnits | Units for the raw quantity before standardisation | No | string |
Analysis | No | Array of pfLaboratoryAnalysisType | |
Status | No | pfLoadStatus | |
Id | Unique identifier (UUID) used within the current server to identify the resource. | Yes | string |
Identifiers | Identifiers for the resource (see well-known/schemes... for example identity schemes). | No | Array of identifierType |
Links | Linked resources that are related to the current resource. | No | Array of relationType |
Meta | Meta-data for the resource. Mandatory if you wish to support synchronisation. | Yes | metaDataType |
Name | A user-readable name for the resource. | No | string |
Self | Uniform resource identifier (URI) of the resource (rel=self). | No | string |
Example 1
"source": {
"consignmentDate": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4933969+00:00",
"organisation": {
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"name": "name",
"uri": "uri",
"registration": {
"scheme": "scheme",
"id": "id"
"gln": "gln"
"feature": {
"identifier": {
"scheme": "scheme",
"id": "id"
"name": "name",
"uri": "uri",
"relationship": "relationship",
"contentType": "contentType",
"related": "related"
"destination": {
"consignmentDate": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4934319+00:00",
"organisation": {
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"name": "name",
"uri": "uri",
"registration": {
"scheme": "scheme",
"id": "id"
"gln": "gln"
"feature": {
"identifier": {
"scheme": "scheme",
"id": "id"
"name": "name",
"uri": "uri",
"relationship": "relationship",
"contentType": "contentType",
"related": "related"
"logisticUnit": "Unknown",
"quantity": 0.0,
"units": "units",
"rawQuantity": 0.0,
"rawUnits": "rawUnits",
"analysis": [
"laboratory": {
"leiCode": "leiCode",
"name": "name",
"uri": "uri",
"registration": {
"scheme": "scheme",
"id": "id"
"gln": "gln"
"laboratoryIdentifier": "laboratoryIdentifier",
"sessionIdentifier": "sessionIdentifier",
"responsible": "responsible",
"results": [
"name": "name",
"status": "completed",
"abbreviation": "abbreviation",
"metric": "metric",
"method": "method",
"rawValue": "rawValue",
"rawUnit": "rawUnit",
"value": 0.0,
"unit": "unit",
"resolution": 0.0,
"errorStatistic": 0.0,
"qualitativeGrade": "qualitativeGrade",
"limit": 0.0
"status": "Loading",
"id": "id",
"identifiers": [
"scheme": "scheme",
"id": "id"
"links": [
"relationship": "relationship",
"contentType": "contentType",
"related": "related"
"meta": {
"sourceId": {
"scheme": "scheme",
"id": "id"
"modified": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4934983+00:00",
"created": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4934993+00:00",
"creator": "creator",
"validFrom": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4935010+00:00",
"validTo": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4935020+00:00",
"isDeleted": false
"name": "name",
"resourceType": "resourceType",
"@self": "@self"