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The details of a greenhouse gas emission or offset (negative emission) for a pathway.


Name Description Required Type
Pathway The pathway of this source. Use All if the emissions are for all pathways for this enterprise. Yes pfGreenhouseGasPathwayType
Name Name of this emission source defined by the enterprise and pathway. No string
Scope GHG emissions scope. 1 = direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, 2 = indirect from the generation of purchased energy, 3 = all other indirect emissions. No Integer
CO2 The emission of carbon dioxide by this source. No pfGreenhouseGasMassType
N2O The emission of nitrous oxide by this source. No pfGreenhouseGasMassType
CH4 The emission of methane by this source. No pfGreenhouseGasMassType
CO2e The emissions for this source expressed as carbon dioxide equivalents. No massMeasureType
CO2eIntensity Array of emission intensities for this emission source, each for the specified basis. No Array of  pfGreenhouseGasIntensityType


Example 1

  "pathway": "Fertiliser-NonUreaNitrogen",
  "name": "Pathway non-urea nitrogen fertiliser",
  "scope": 1,
  "N2O": {
    "massGas": {
      "measurement": 85,
      "units": "KGM"
  "CO2e": {
    "measurement": 25277,
    "units": "KGM"

Example 2

  "pathway": "UrineAndDung",
  "scope": 1,
  "CH4": {
    "massCO2e": {
      "measurement": 77655,
      "units": "KGM"
  "N2O": {
    "massCO2e": {
      "measurement": 284736,
      "units": "KGM"

Example 3

  "pathway": "All",
  "scope": 1,
  "CH4": {
    "massGas": {
      "measurement": 125239,
      "units": "KGM"
  "N2O": {
    "massGas": {
      "measurement": 1765,
      "units": "KGM"
  "CO2e": {
    "measurement": 3656911,
    "units": "KGM"