pfFinancialTransactionType defines a financial transaction that may be a sale, purchase, death, birth, stocktake, transfer out, aging out.
The pfFinancialTransactionType schema inherits from icarEventCoreResource.
Name | Description | Required | Type |
TransactionKind | Identifies the kind of transaction. | Yes | pfFinancialTransactionKindType |
AccrualDate | The accrual date of the transaction. | No | date-time |
CashDate | The cash date of the transaction. This date should be used to populate the eventDateTime. | No | date-time |
TransactionQuantity | The number of units (e.g. head, kilograms, litres) in the transaction. | No | Number |
TransactionValue | The total value of the transaction in the currency specified. | No | Number |
UnitValue | The value per unit of the transaction in the currency specified. | No | Number |
Currency | The currency of the transaction expressed using the ISO 4217 3-character code such as AUD, GBP, USD, NZD. | No | string |
Notes | Notes recorded for the transaction. | No | string |
ContactName | The name of the contact for the transaction. | No | string |
ExternalReference | The array of external references to the transaction. For example, the reference to the invoice. | No | Array of icarIdentifierType |
ResourceReference | Reference to an associated resource such as the matching inventory transaction record or livestock movement event. | No | icarResourceReferenceType |
Id | Unique identifier in the source system for this event. | No | string |
EventDateTime | RFC3339 UTC date and time (see | No | date-time |
TraitLabel | If the event represents a formal trait, identifies the recording system and trait. | No | icarIdentifierType |
Responsible | Use if an observation is manually recorded, or an event is carried out or authorised by a person. SHOULD be a person object. | No | string |
ContemporaryGroup | For manually recorded events, record any contemporary group code that would affect statistical analysis. | No | string |
Remark | A comment or remark field for additional user-specified information about the event. | No | string |
Self | Uniform resource identifier (URI) of the resource (rel=self). | No | string |
Meta | Meta-data for the resource. Mandatory if you wish to support synchronisation. | No | icarMetaDataType |
Location | Unique location scheme and identifier combination. | No | icarIdentifierType |
Example 1
"transactionKind": "Purchase",
"accrualDate": "2023-03-10T08:00:00Z",
"cashDate": "2023-03-15T13:07:00Z",
"transactionQuantity": 47,
"transactionValue": 30315,
"unitValue": 645,
"currency": "NZD",
"notes": "Empty Friesian heifers for wintering",
"resourceReference": {
"identifier": {
"scheme": "com.purefarming.arrival",
"id": "3696ff5b-cbdc-4d7b-8243-0962ae6695b5"
"contactName": "Bill James",
"externalReference": [
"scheme": "",
"id": "23/BF/0451"