Table of Contents



Defines the consumption of a form of energy in a period for an asset or a feature, one of which should be defined.

The pfEnergyConsumptionResource schema inherits from resourceType.


Name Description Required Type
StartDate Start of the period to which the consumption pertains. Yes date-time
EndDate End of the period to which the consumption pertains. Yes date-time
Duration The unit of duration of the consumption period. No pfDurationUnitsType
Feature Identifies the feature on which the energy is consumed. The feature may be the entire holding. ( Optional) No featureReferenceType
AssetIdentifiers Array of identifiers that identify a specific asset consuming the energy recorded here. No Array of  identifierType
AssetName Unique name within the holding of the feature or asset that is the subject to which the energy consumption applies. Yes string
EnergyCarrier The form or type of energy being consumed. Yes pfEnergyCarrierType
PercentRenewable Percentage of the energy consumed that is renewable. No Number
Consumption Energy of type identified consumed by this asset or feature in this period. No pfEnergyMeasureType
Production Energy of type identified produced by this asset or feature in this period. No pfEnergyMeasureType
EnergyBalance Net energy balance. Negative if production/generation exceeds production. No pfEnergyMeasureType
EnergyMeter Array of meter readings for the period. No Array of  pfEnergyMeterType
Id Unique identifier (UUID) used within the current server to identify the resource. Yes string
Identifiers Identifiers for the resource (see well-known/schemes... for example identity schemes). No Array of  identifierType
Links Linked resources that are related to the current resource. No Array of  relationType
Meta Meta-data for the resource. Mandatory if you wish to support synchronisation. Yes metaDataType
Name A user-readable name for the resource. No string
Self Uniform resource identifier (URI) of the resource (rel=self). No string


Example 1

  "resourceType": "pfEnergyConsumptionResource",
  "id": "c4d27b63-78eb-4ece-9bb3-90693b5ced41",
  "meta": {
    "sourceId": {
      "scheme": "nz.powerco.invoice",
      "id": "1234567"
    "modified": "2022-08-16T10:18:02Z"
  "name": "Electricity consumed July 2022",
  "startDate": "2022-07-01T00:00:00Z",
  "endDate": "2022-07-31T00:00:00Z",
  "duration": "M",
  "feature": {
    "contentType": "HoldingResource",
    "relationship": "Holding",
    "identifier": {
      "scheme": "nz.govt.farmsonline",
      "id": "XYZ9999"
  "assetName": "Hillside Farm",
  "energyCarrier": "Electricity",
  "consumption": {
    "value": 6158,
    "units": "KWH"
  "production": {
    "value": 0,
    "units": "KWH"
  "energyBalance": {
    "value": 6158,
    "units": "KWH"