Table of Contents




Name Description Required Type
Metric The metric the stat relates to, e.g. anitbiotic.udder. Yes icarIdentifierType
Method The measurement standard or process used to create the statistic. No icarIdentifierType
Units The units of the statistic. No string
Value The value of the statistic. No Number
LastKnownValue The last known value for this statistics point - i.e. if no new data this is the last known data. No Number
LastKnownValueDate UTC Date the last known value was observed. No date
Aggregation The type of statistic - min, max, mean etc. No icarAggregationType


Example 1

  "metric": {
    "id": "id",
    "scheme": "scheme"
  "method": {
    "id": "id",
    "scheme": "scheme"
  "units": "units",
  "value": 0.0,
  "lastKnownValue": 0.0,
  "lastKnownValueDate": "2025-03-05",
  "aggregation": "Average"