Table of Contents




Name Description Required Type
Name Human readable description of the test result Yes string
Status One of a set of enumerated values Yes pfAnalysisResultTypeStatus
Abbreviation The abbreviation of the analysis No string
Metric URI to the test No uri
Method URI to the method employed No uri
RawValue Value of the test result as supplied from the lab No string
RawUnit Units of the test result No string
Value Value of the test result converted to standard units No Number
Unit Units of the test result No string
Resolution Resolution of numeric metrics No Number
ErrorStatistic Error statistics (see OGC QR) No Number
QualitativeGrade A textual or descriptive grade for the result. No string
Limit Numeric threshold of limit used with statuses 'belowLimit' and 'aboveLimit' No Number


Example 1

  "name": "name",
  "status": "completed",
  "abbreviation": "abbreviation",
  "metric": "metric",
  "method": "method",
  "rawValue": "rawValue",
  "rawUnit": "rawUnit",
  "value": 0.0,
  "unit": "unit",
  "resolution": 0.0,
  "errorStatistic": 0.0,
  "qualitativeGrade": "qualitativeGrade",
  "limit": 0.0