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Inventory Transaction based on Geospatial defines a transaction on a product inventory where the transaction may be a receipt, disposal, on hand, stocktake, use

The inventoryTransactionType schema inherits from observationType.


Name Description Required Type
TransactionKind Identifies the transaction kind. Yes inventoryTransactionKindType
Quantity The overall volume, weight or count of the product in the transaction in the units defined. Yes Number
Units The units of the quantity specified. Where applicable it is recommended that uncefact mass and volume units are used. Yes string
SupplierName The supplier of the product in this transaction. This is particularly relevant if the transaction is a receipt No string
ExpiryDate The expiry date of the product supplied in the transaction; ISO UTC DateTime. No date-time
TotalCost Total cost applied to this transaction No Number
Currency The currency of the cost expressed using the ISO 4217 3-character code such as AUD, GBP, USD, NZD. No string
PackSize The volume or weight of the product in a pack in the units defined. No Number
NumberOfPacks The number of packs of the product in the transaction. Could be a decimal number for a part-pack. No Number
ObservationDate UTC Date (required) and time (optional) the sample was taken Yes date-time
PhenomenonStartTime ISO UTC DateTime No date-time
PhenomenonEndTime ISO UTC DateTime No date-time
Holding Reference to the holding on which this observation was performed. No featureReferenceType
Feature Reference to the feature to which this observation applies. Alternative to features[]. No featureReferenceType
Features Array of features to which this observation applies. Alternative to feature. No Array of  featureReferenceType
Responsible Identifier of the person responsible for the observation No string
Remark Notes or remarks field No string
Id Unique identifier (UUID) used within the current server to identify the resource. Yes string
Identifiers Identifiers for the resource (see well-known/schemes... for example identity schemes). No Array of  identifierType
Links Linked resources that are related to the current resource. No Array of  relationType
Meta Meta-data for the resource. Mandatory if you wish to support synchronisation. Yes metaDataType
Name A user-readable name for the resource. No string
Self Uniform resource identifier (URI) of the resource (rel=self). No string


Example 1

  "transactionKind": "Receipt",
  "quantity": 0.0,
  "units": "units",
  "supplierName": "supplierName",
  "expiryDate": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4790314+00:00",
  "totalCost": 0.0,
  "currency": "currency",
  "packSize": 0.0,
  "numberOfPacks": 0.0,
  "observationDate": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4790423+00:00",
  "phenomenonStartTime": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4790433+00:00",
  "phenomenonEndTime": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4790442+00:00",
  "holding": {
    "identifier": {
      "scheme": "scheme",
      "id": "id"
    "name": "name",
    "uri": "uri",
    "relationship": "relationship",
    "contentType": "contentType",
    "related": "related"
  "feature": {
    "identifier": {
      "scheme": "scheme",
      "id": "id"
    "name": "name",
    "uri": "uri",
    "relationship": "relationship",
    "contentType": "contentType",
    "related": "related"
  "features": [
      "identifier": {
        "scheme": "scheme",
        "id": "id"
      "name": "name",
      "uri": "uri",
      "relationship": "relationship",
      "contentType": "contentType",
      "related": "related"
  "responsible": "responsible",
  "remark": "remark"