Describes a course of treatment with total product, start and end dates
Name | Description | Required | Type |
StartDate | RFC3339 UTC start date of the treatment course (see https://ijmacd.github.io/rfc3339-iso8601/ for format guidance) | No | date-time |
EndDate | RFC3339 UTC End date of the treatment course (see https://ijmacd.github.io/rfc3339-iso8601/ for format guidance) | No | date-time |
Medicine | Medicine details used in the course. | No | icarMedicineReferenceType |
Procedure | Medicine application method or non-medicine procedure. | No | string |
Site | Body site where the treatment or procedure was administered. | No | string |
ReasonForAdministration | This attribute can be used when medicine has been administered without a diagnosis | No | string |
TotalDose | Total dose proposed or administered. | No | icarMedicineDoseType |
NumberOfTreatments | The number of treatments included in the course. | No | Number |
TreatmentInterval | The interval between treatments specified in HOURS. | No | Integer |
Batches | Batches and expiry details of the medicine (there may be several). | No | Array of icarMedicineBatchType |
PlanOrActual | Indicator showing if the attributes in the course Summary are actual information for the treatments or the plan | No | icarMedicineCourseSummaryTypePlanOrActual |
Withdrawals | Provides withholding details for the treatment administered | No | Array of icarMedicineWithdrawalType |
Example 1
"startDate": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4589688+00:00",
"endDate": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4589700+00:00",
"medicine": {
"name": "name",
"approved": "approved",
"registeredIdentifier": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"@context": "@context",
"@id": "@id",
"@type": "Link",
"identifier": {
"id": "id",
"scheme": "scheme"
"reltype": "reltype",
"href": "href"
"procedure": "procedure",
"site": "site",
"reasonForAdministration": "reasonForAdministration",
"totalDose": {
"doseQuantity": 0.0,
"doseUnits": "MLT"
"numberOfTreatments": 0.0,
"treatmentInterval": 0,
"batches": [
"identifier": "identifier",
"expiryDate": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4590066+00:00"
"planOrActual": "Plan",
"withdrawals": [
"productType": "Meat",
"endDate": "2025-03-05T02:36:18.4590125+00:00",
"market": "market"