Table of Contents



Describes a course of treatment with total product, start and end dates


Name Description Required Type
StartDate RFC3339 UTC start date of the treatment course (see for format guidance) No date-time
EndDate RFC3339 UTC End date of the treatment course (see for format guidance) No date-time
Medicine Medicine details used in the course. No icarMedicineReferenceType
Procedure Medicine application method or non-medicine procedure. No string
Site Body site where the treatment or procedure was administered. No string
ReasonForAdministration This attribute can be used when medicine has been administered without a diagnosis No string
TotalDose Total dose proposed or administered. No icarMedicineDoseType
NumberOfTreatments The number of treatments included in the course. No Number
TreatmentInterval The interval between treatments specified in HOURS. No Integer
Batches Batches and expiry details of the medicine (there may be several). No Array of  icarMedicineBatchType
PlanOrActual Indicator showing if the attributes in the course Summary are actual information for the treatments or the plan No icarMedicineCourseSummaryTypePlanOrActual
Withdrawals Provides withholding details for the treatment administered No Array of  icarMedicineWithdrawalType


Example 1

  "startDate": "2024-09-22T22:56:34.0746998+00:00",
  "endDate": "2024-09-22T22:56:34.0747012+00:00",
  "medicine": {
    "name": "name",
    "approved": "approved",
    "registeredIdentifier": {
      "id": "id",
      "scheme": "scheme"
    "@context": "@context",
    "@id": "@id",
    "@type": "Link",
    "identifier": {
      "id": "id",
      "scheme": "scheme"
    "reltype": "reltype",
    "href": "href"
  "procedure": "procedure",
  "site": "site",
  "reasonForAdministration": "reasonForAdministration",
  "totalDose": {
    "doseQuantity": 0.0,
    "doseUnits": "MLT"
  "numberOfTreatments": 0.0,
  "treatmentInterval": 0,
  "batches": [
      "identifier": "identifier",
      "expiryDate": "2024-09-22T22:56:34.0747413+00:00"
  "planOrActual": "Plan",
  "withdrawals": [
      "productType": "Meat",
      "endDate": "2024-09-22T22:56:34.0747463+00:00",
      "market": "market"