Table of Contents



Provides properties for a single animal health diagnosis.


Name Description Required Type
Id Unique identifier for this diagnosis. No string
Name Name indicating the health condition diagnosed. No string
Description Description of the diagnosis or problem. No string
DiagnosisCode Descibes the scheme (eg venom or ICAR) and the code (ID) within that scheme. No icarIdentifierType
Site Site on the animal involved in the diagnosis or disease. No string
Stage Identifies the clinical stage of disease progression. No icarDiagnosisStageType
Severity Identifies the clinical severity of the problem. No icarDiagnosisSeverityType
SeverityScore Clinical severity expressed as a numeric score for systems that record this. No Number
Positions The positions to be treated No Array of  icarPositionType


Example 1

  "id": "id",
  "name": "name",
  "description": "description",
  "diagnosisCode": {
    "id": "id",
    "scheme": "scheme"
  "site": "site",
  "stage": "Early",
  "severity": "Light",
  "severityScore": 0.0,
  "positions": [
      "position": "LegsFrontLeft"