Table of Contents



Describes the devices on a certain location.


Name Description Required Type
Id Unique identifier on location level in the source system for this device. Yes string
Serial Optionally, the serial number of the device. No string
Name Name given to the device by the farmer. No string
Description Description of the device by the farmer. No string
SoftwareVersion Version of the software installed on the device. No string
HardwareVersion Version of the hardware installed in the device. No string
IsActive Indicates whether the device is active at this moment. No boolean
SupportedMessages No Array of  supportedMessages
Manufacturer The device data as defined by the manufacturer. No icarDeviceManufacturerType


Example 1

  "id": "id",
  "serial": "serial",
  "name": "name",
  "description": "description",
  "softwareVersion": "softwareVersion",
  "hardwareVersion": "hardwareVersion",
  "isActive": false,
  "supportedMessages": [
      "messages": "MilkingVisits"
  "manufacturer": {
    "id": "id",
    "deviceType": "deviceType",
    "deviceName": "deviceName",
    "deviceDescription": "deviceDescription",
    "deviceConfiguration": "deviceConfiguration"