Table of Contents



Core schema for representing animal

The icarAnimalCoreResource schema inherits from icarResource.


Name Description Required Type
Identifier Unique animal scheme and identifier combination. Yes icarIdentifierType
AlternativeIdentifiers Alternative identifiers for the animal. Here, also temporary identifiers, e.g. transponders or animal numbers, can be listed. No Array of  icarIdentifierType
Specie Species of the animal. Yes icarAnimalSpecieType
Gender Gender of the animal. Yes icarAnimalGenderType
BirthDate RFC3339 UTC date/time of birth (see for how to use). No date-time
PrimaryBreed ICAR Breed code for the animal. No icarIdentifierType
BreedFractions Breed fractions for the animal. No icarBreedFractionsType
CoatColor Colour of the animal's coat, using the conventions for that breed. No string
CoatColorIdentifier Colour of the animal's coat using a national or breed-defined scheme and identifier combination. No icarIdentifierType
ManagementTag The identifier used by the farmer in day to day operations. In many cases this could be the animal number. No string
Name Name given by the farmer for this animal. No string
OfficialName Official herdbook name. No string
ProductionPurpose Primary production purpose for which animals are bred. No icarProductionPurposeType
Status On-farm status of the animal (such as alive, dead, off-farm). No icarAnimalStatusType
ReproductionStatus Reproduction status of the animal. No icarAnimalReproductionStatusType
LactationStatus Lactation status of the animal. No icarAnimalLactationStatusType
Parentage No Array of  icarParentageType
HealthStatus Health status of the animal (such as Healthy, Suspicious, Ill, InTreatment, ToBeCulled). No icarAnimalHealthStatusType
Self Uniform resource identifier (URI) of the resource (rel=self). No string
Meta Meta-data for the resource. Mandatory if you wish to support synchronisation. No icarMetaDataType
Location Unique location scheme and identifier combination. No icarIdentifierType


Example 1

  "identifier": {
    "id": "id",
    "scheme": "scheme"
  "alternativeIdentifiers": [
      "id": "id",
      "scheme": "scheme"
  "specie": "Buffalo",
  "gender": "Female",
  "birthDate": "2024-12-04T20:18:42.6428537+00:00",
  "primaryBreed": {
    "id": "id",
    "scheme": "scheme"
  "breedFractions": {
    "denominator": 0,
    "fractions": [
        "breed": {
          "id": "id",
          "scheme": "scheme"
        "fraction": 0.0
  "coatColor": "coatColor",
  "coatColorIdentifier": {
    "id": "id",
    "scheme": "scheme"
  "managementTag": "managementTag",
  "name": "name",
  "officialName": "officialName",
  "productionPurpose": "Meat",
  "status": "Alive",
  "reproductionStatus": "Open",
  "lactationStatus": "Dry",
  "parentage": [
      "parentOf": {
        "id": "id",
        "scheme": "scheme"
      "gender": "Female",
      "relation": "Genetic",
      "identifier": {
        "id": "id",
        "scheme": "scheme"
      "officialName": "officialName"
  "healthStatus": "Healthy",
  "resourceType": "resourceType",
  "@self": "@self",
  "meta": {
    "source": "source",
    "sourceId": "sourceId",
    "isDeleted": false,
    "modified": "2024-12-04T20:18:42.6428319+00:00",
    "created": "2024-12-04T20:18:42.6428333+00:00",
    "creator": "creator",
    "validFrom": "2024-12-04T20:18:42.6428367+00:00",
    "validTo": "2024-12-04T20:18:42.6428379+00:00"
  "location": {
    "id": "id",
    "scheme": "scheme"