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Data API

Pure Farming's Data API is a standard RESTful API which exposes the various resource types of data that Pure Farming can supply.

Generally speaking the Data API exposes data in four endpoints per resource type:

Resource Description
/data/livestock/animals Fetches all animals that you have access to
/data/livestock/animals/{id} Fetches a single animal regardless of which Holding it is recorded against
/data/holdings/{holdingId}/livestock/animals Fetches all animals you have access to on a given Holding
/data/holdings/{holdingId}/livestock/animals/{id} Fetches a single animal on a given Holding

The above example is using the icarAnimalCoreResource resource type, however it holds true for other resources types as well.

For more information on the endpoints that the Data API exposes, see the API Reference listing for detailed info.
We recommend that you generate an API client in the language you are working in to make working with the API easier, as well as providing objects for the responses. See How to use OpenAPI Generator for more information. This is particularly useful for the Data API.